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Was at A Btry. 3/71rst at Dallau from 3-1-1971 to 3-11-72 as a radio operator/ switchboard.

Added: April 22, 2015
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I was in A-3-71 in Giensheim in 1968. Acq operator.

Added: March 31, 2015
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Stationed at c/3/71 from 1979 - 1981 lived in kulsheim west germany

Added: March 18, 2015
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I served in C Battery 3/71 from 1982 as a 16B Launcher Platoon until we closed the unit and then was assigned to D Battery 6/52 ADA Hawk in Werthein. :o

Added: February 17, 2015
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Was a 16C up on the IFC from 1982-1983. Miss all of my old friends from those days.

Any of you recognize me, hit me up.

Cheers, and god Bless all of the vets.

Added: January 19, 2015
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I served at "C" battery in Hardheim from 01/68 to 08/69. Ended up as the motor pool dispatcher. 1st Sgt was Tedder. Would love to hear from any old friends. :D

Added: October 31, 2014
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SP/5 Delta Battery 1965-67 IFC
Looking for Alan Price from Hdqtrs 1966-67 Was in communications and traveled from battery to battery. All help locating him appreciated.
I was at Delta in Pforzheim. Our first reunion was in Aug 2011 Delta only. Last reunion Aug 2014 Co,Springs CO Battallion reunion. Both were fantastic. Connecting with buudies is unbelieveable. Thanks to Don (Byrd) Yarbrough Hope to see some of you in Huntsville AL in 2016

Added: October 14, 2014
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E-mail me if you were there with me.

Added: October 5, 2014
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as an honorably dischared US Army inductee i was w/the 2nd msl bn 71st arty out of ft bliss tx, we very hurriedly packed up and took a boat ride to keelung Harbour taiwan ( formosa ) back in 58, we worked hard to set up the cite 40 miles up on top of a mountain
( C battery) site, it was gratifying to see how thankful the free chinese people were that we were there to save their country from main land china .. we , and all the other services were there to do that save .. and we did it , since we were there w/no advance notice .. when we arrived back to oakland, THE BAND WAS PLAYING FOR THE DEPENDENTS .. WE LEFT THE USS BRECKINRIDGE off the fan tail , walking on a rope ladder a 100 feet from the dependents that were on the ship comming back from korea i guess ?

Added: October 1, 2014
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Served in C Battery, 1st Missile Battalion, 67th Artillery (C/1/67) at Hardheim, Germany 1964 to 1967. Missile crewman, been looking for a guy from Martha Vineyard, Ma. only remember we called him Mattie, those who were there remember the almost riot in town involving he and I. Can't remember his last name. Retired now hope to reacquaint with those who were with me.

Added: September 5, 2014
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