Comments: Longest year of my life on that hill 1976-1977.
Added: July 30, 2024
Submitted by Name: Specialist Shelton Rodney Spencer From: NORTH CAROLINA E-mail:
Comments: Stationed at c 3rd71 front 1980 to 1982
Added: June 21, 2024
Submitted by Name: SFC Gerald Simons USA Ret From: Malden Ma, Now Cape Coral, FL E-mail:
Comments: I was in Hardheim in 1967 thru 1970. At first it was C battery 1st of the 67th then was redesignated C Battery 3rd of the 71st. I was close and with Loyal Ben Brocket, now passed away, Joe Zawacki who passed away about a month after his wife Marlena in 2023, Robert Kennedy who is also passed away. Dennis Landry who I've lost contact with. And many others who I have lost contact with. I married a girl from Walldurn and we've as of this coming September have been married 55 years and still going strong. I forgot to mention Danny Liposhack who now is a musician in a blues band. There are some others who are active on the Nike Group on Facebook.
Added: June 21, 2024
Submitted by Name: charlie3rd71st Webmaster From: USA E-mail:
Comments: Thank you Uwe...!
I am happy that you like it. I put a lot of thought into the design.
Comments: I was stationed in Hardheim from Feb 1980 to the end of 1982 as one of the only 2 female 16B's there. The first thing I saw when I arrived to C Battery was a guy with fair-skin and blonde hair coming out of the barracks with only a towel over his shoulder, shorts and flip-flops - in February! I wasn't sure what I had gotten myself into. I was housed in Kuhlsheim shortly after arriving as the barracks in Hardheim housed mostly MP's. I worked "down range" for a bit after looking for my bucket of "blue status" (lol); eventually ended up working in the Motor Pool in my secondary MOS (76C). I recall some very cold winters and low-flying jets hitting the after-burners over our heads. Seems like a hundred years ago.
Comments: Need help! I am searching for informations about a "Piqulittas Bar", located in Heilbronn in the 1960ers. I guess "Piqulittas Bar" was not the real name, so who can provide with informations, like the real name or the address. Maybe the Bar was not located in Heilbronn.
Name: J
From: New York
I was a tower rat (MP) in'80-'81. Good to see some pics of the place. I have many photos of Hardheim from then. Some good times.