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Charlie Battery Guestbook And Blog

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In loving memory of my husband Command Sargent Major Zeb Stuart Scales who passed away July 11, 2005.

Added: March 11, 2012
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In loving memory of one of your dad, Paul J. Plymale. July 16, 1940-July 19, 2011. :!cool:

Added: March 10, 2012
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Took my training at Fort Bliss from May 1960 to October 1960 a few guys went to Charlie Battery, I ended up in Delta Battery from Nov. 1960 to Nov. 1962.

Added: March 5, 2012
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I spent 16 months at C-3-71st from 1962 until 1964. Launcher crewman, panel operator, General Flunky so I was told. Lots of great memories, trips to Ft Bliss, Vacation in Paris, October Fest in Stuttgart, wow such great beer and so much of it. Its wonder we lived to tell about it! :!devil:

Added: March 5, 2012
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I was there from 66 thru 70 in the 1st of the 67th and 3rd of the 71st I remember Bledsoe who signed the guest book also. I'm in contact with a few other survivers. I was a 16B and 16C and spent time as the battery CBR NCO.

Visited some time ago and took some pictures. Not much remains, just the barracks and admin area with s lot of african imigrants living in it and a guard tower they must have put in later when it was pershing. Two hangers were still standing but not much else. I did have some jagermeister flashbacks while I was there.

Added: February 27, 2012
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I was 2LT Richard E. Darcy who reported to C/3/71 in mid-December 1961. My commander was CPT John Pipkin, my XO was 1LT Marvin Bihn, and the two senior Lieutenants were FC platoon leader Dan Zimsen and Launcher PL Kenyon S. Oakberg.

2LT Clarel Bowman Mapes was an assistant platoon leader. Most memorable NCO was M/Sgt (E-7) Hal Hudson whose World War II aged visage is prominently displayed in one of your 1960 group photos.

There were two technical CW2s by the names of Lawson and Blanchette. Lawson's face appears in the same group photo.

I visited C Battery, 3d Missile Bn site in Oct 1974 and it was a Pershing Missile site. Gone were the Herc and Ajax missiles.

I came back to the site with my kids in 1984 and the site was closed; even the windows and frames had been removed from the barracks building. Entrance was denied. Very sad.

Added: February 21, 2012
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Great site! The maps and pictures are highlights...C/3-71 moved north to Hardheim after Kleingartach...and A/3-71 took over the defense of the Heilbron area, based at Dallau. Thanks for the effort! :D

Added: February 20, 2012
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Great website! Very interesting! Good luck with everything and keep up the good work. :!cool:

Added: October 28, 2011
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great site - well done!

Added: October 23, 2011
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Great site and thanks for the memories! I was an SP4 stationed a C-3-71 in 1968 and 1969 in the Launcher Platoon. I was in Alpha Section and Later the LCT Operator. We were one of the first Batteries in Europe to do our Snap(s) at Crete. I was panel operater for an Ajax shoot and the second trip I was on the Herc shoot. What a rush! Our experiences were very similar. Keep up the good work.

Added: September 14, 2011
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