The Heuchelberg Farmlands Spring Thaw
From this view we are looking directly towards Brackenheim and Heilbronn.
Following the road out the Main Gate and down to the trees in the distance, one can turn left to go down to Niederhofen, or turn right and go down through Haberschlacht, Brackenheim, and on to Heilbronn.
Charlie Battery's First Commanding Officer -John Popovics
We finally have an excellent photograph of Captain John Popovics, Charlie Battery's first BCO, and showing him at his jolly best. And it is all thanks to our ever resourceful friend Thomas scholz of Heilbronn. It is impossible to fully express just how much Thomas has contributed to our efforts to document the Charlie Battery experience, but I can say our archives page would contain considerably less information and the experience of this website be much less informative if Thomas Shholz had not become our friend, and my friend specifically. Once again, I say Thank you Thomas. The latest batch of photographs was great to see, and fun to process. Thomas, I really learned some great Photoshop techniques in processing them, including this photo of Captain Popovics.. The full batch of photos can be seen in a PDF on our Archives page by “Click Here”
He is standing outside of the main personnel gate of the inner perimeter area security fence. The entrance to the inner perimeter area consists of an individual gate and a large double gate for vehicle entrance, and can be seen if you “Click Here”. Just inside the gate is a guard shack manned 24/7/365.
As I remember one didn't see the BCO that often. One incident I do remember was on a Late Sunday Summer night when a Communist Group decided to harass the Launching Area main gate and the outer security fence creating quite a disruption. I recall Captain Popovics, probably awakened from a late night slumber, running around in Kaki pants and a T-Shirt with a 45 revolver strapped on his hip in an excited state.
"Things began to settle down when the German Police arrived, but there were tense moments for a while, especially for those having to walk guard around the sections in the dark that night. The outer security fence was accessible 360°, so trouble could pop up from anywhere.
Officer Staff Joining In Celebrations In The Mess Hall
This either on Thanksgiving or Christmas Day. An idea of what a holiday menu was like can be viewed if you “Click Here”.
From left to right Standing: CWO Richard C. Lawson, 1st. Lieutenant Gerald Richardson, Captain John Popovics. Captain Popovics is talking to Mrs. Lawson, and the “shutterbug” behind the BCO is PFC James Fitzpatrick.
The dapper dude sitting behind the BCO is none other than famous and infamous PFC Lionel Gonzales, a well known Detroit Bon Vivant.
Holidays at the battery were warm and festive, and I have warm memories of the attention to detail made to have them be special days for the troops. In a way to honor and show appreciation of our efforts, duty and sacrifice.
Holiday Gathering In The Mess Hall
With the Cups of Cheer and a delicious hors d'oeuvre, it appears to be a holiday celebration. I'm guessing Christmas with a cup of Eggnog... What do you thinks...?
The holiday revellers are only partly recalled. The first from the left is Staff Sergeant Roger Jarvis of the Launching Area - Assembly, the next GI is unknown, then is Fred (Olney) Van Zandt of the IFC, and the last SFC is also unknown as well.
If anyone can help identifying the two unnamed guys it would be greatly appreciated. Just send an e-mail or give me a call.
Serious Discussions In The Canteen
Solving the worlds problems was serious stuff in the Charlie Battery Canteen. And this image is no exception. Of those who can be seen from left to right are:
In the foreground is Leo Quinlan, then just behind Leo leaning on the bar, is Robert Appenzeller. And to Robert's right is Clifford Scott who is talking to Robert Hamilton, while Lester Archambeau looks on.
Finally, and most essential to this cast of characters, is the bartender... Bob Norkol.
I can't tell who the two guys on the far left are. Can you...?
Left to right; Joe Mehorczyk, Bob Norkol, and Neil Watson relax in the Battery Canteen, on the first floor and Main Gate end of the Barracks.
Starting in the back row, left to right:
1st Sergeant Pendergass, Hernandez, “Weasel” Camerata, Robert Appenzeller, Ernie Stafford. Those seated are "Doc" Dunn, George Hoover, Bill Mansergh, “Doc” Resendez, and Gerry Grabowski.
All celebrating Hernandez's birthday...
Smile Frank - You’re On Candid Camera
From Left to right: A very familiar face in the canteen is Frank Brennan, and with his back to us is Rodney Rodavich, then Ron Smith, and finally the bartender is Raymond Thomsen.
Also enjoying some canteen relaxation, in the background off to the far left, is MSGT. Hal Hudson, and to his left is Mess Sergeant SFC Warren Otto.
It's good to have a picture of Sgt. Otto, as he was not often in a situation to be photographed. He was usually back in the kitchen assuring a good meal.
Sgt. Otto gave us a great Mess Hall, which meant a lot.
Other denizens of the deep are: Richard “Pic” Picariello, and behind Pic is Dale Paulson, then Bill Griffin of the IFC, Rodney Rodavich, and Ray Thomsen.
Rich (Pic) Picariello, the guy on the far left in the photo just above, should remember this place. It was his office...!
Bring back memories Pic...?