Johnny Vytrcil creating a work of art on Fitzpatrick's cast.
Wayne Harris and Jim Fitzpatrick best friends forever...!
Windell Kelly Exposing Himself To Local Culture...!
Teddy Howell And Johnny Vytrcil Testing A Two Butt Foot locker
GI Wall Locker Ready For Inspection...!
Frank Brennan Kickin’ Back On Laundry Day
Bill Griffin And Johnny Vytrcil
OK Johnny, here’s the plan. First we’ll psst psst psst Fitzpatrick, then we’ll psst psst psst psst Kelly, he’ll hate that...!
Next we can psst psst psst the Bobbys, Hare and Johnson. And last we’ll psst pssst psst Van Zandt, we have to get someone in the IFC.
Hey Bill, what about Picariello, Nendick, Norkol, and Winningham?
Aw, we’ll get’em next time. Ca’mon, let’s go...! (Laughing maniaclly)
Can't remember the first guy to the left, next is Jim Di Tursi, then Ken Nendick in the barracks, third floor room to the right, over the mess hall.
Again if you know who they are let me know.
Thank you
A Dapper And Debonaire... Man About Town
Marion Naeger Bowling For Dollars
Neager and friends on an excursion to the bowling alley at Robinson Barracks in Stuttgart.